#my life A Journey Back in Time: Revisiting My Middle School (Hai Ba Trung) Today, I embarked on a poignant journey back to my roots after living abroad for more than 15 years. Stepping onto the familiar grounds of my middle s 4:27 PM Share
#my life Tản mạn về cuộc sống (2024) Suy cho cùng, cuộc sống cũng giống như một bài kiểm tra, nhiều người thi trượt chỉ vì cố quay cóp bài người khác mà không biết mỗi người có một 12:37 PM Share
#tips tricks How to solve - "Node Sass version 8.0.0 is incompatible with ^4.0.0 || ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0" So after cloning some NodeJS repo, or even your own repo, and when trying to build you get the error: "Node Sass version 8.0.0 is incompatible wit 8:41 AM Share
#tips tricks Namecheap - How to install free auto-renewed Let's Encrypt SSLwith 2 easy commands (2022) I will keep it short in simple steps, if this works please comment below so others can follow (please consider clicking on the ads to support me) 1. Go 9:39 AM Share
#tips tricks Namecheap - (Wordpress) how to fix/resolve "Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response." You have just set up a brand new WordPress blog with a brand new WordPress theme, and you are beyond ecstatic to begin experimenting with them. When y 1:47 PM Share
#free Reboform Password Manager 1 year free license (Legit 08-2022) RoboForm securely stores all of your passwords and logs you in with a single click (or tap). I don't really use this as I have LastPass but just f 1:36 PM Share
#tips tricks GI BILL for Veterans - What you wish you knew before utilizing it When you have served your nation for a while and are beginning to contemplate retirement, you should also give some thought to the GI Bill and what yo 2:24 PM Share
#my life Dịa chỉ chợ trái cây ở Florida (Clearwater, Miami, Destin) Vườn trái cây không còn lại khi đến thăm Florida, nhưng thú vui mới nhất để thưỡng thức hương vị trái cây Việt Nam là đi "chợ trời", " 9:58 AM Share
#tips tricks How I deal with Telemarketer Disclaimer: For education and learning purposes only, I take no responsibility for what you are trying to do. Very short, search for this text or simil 9:20 AM Share
#tips tricks How to setup Ubuntu to run Otohits for free website traffic (on Azure) So short thing short, I happen to use otohits.com again (you know what it is). I do have some credit lying around so thought it's a good time to r 3:26 PM Share
#tips tricks Steam In-home Streaming Laptops/Desktops cannot see each other Last week, I've upgraded my rig to RTX 2060 and Ryzen. It allowed me to play even more AAA games that I have been keeping my eyes on. My only pro 3:42 PM Share
#tips tricks How did people get low digits steam Id for sale? Have you ever wondered why some people have so many low digit steam Ids to sell on Reddit, mpgh, scythe etc. ??? I had that question a few years back 3:15 PM Share
#free Free Grammarly Premium Account Grammarly makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free.Pretty good tool that I used almost everyday. This code is appli 3:34 PM 20 Share
#free Share license Sublime Text 3 These licenses are not mine, I found those online when surfing. Please click on the link below to view all the licenses. If they don't work, I ca 4:38 PM Share
#free Create Unlimited Spotify Premium Account Free - Working 03-2015 Updated: new method working 03-2015 I sell this tut on Hackforums for prolly 15$, made enough money so I share it here and everyone can profit from 1:39 AM 6 Share
#free Google Earth Pro Free - Auto Register Script (400$ value software) So today Google Earth are putting out their promotion for Google Earth Pro (which is $400 value). It's my free Sunday without any homework so y 12:06 PM Share
#tips tricks Blogger - How to hide post-body in main page I was doing another blog editor when I suddenly ran into a task that I need to hide the post-content in blogger mainpage, here is how you should do i 11:09 AM 2 Share
#tips tricks How to use Google Voice to avoid unwanted calls As a part of my project, I sometimes need to register or buy some products that requires phone verification or text messages. Even though it's a 1:34 PM Share
#tips tricks How to run Python Selenium with Flask on a VPS using PhantomJS I love automation and web testing/bot making, the problem is I just can only run it on my local computer or make a GUI app. This week I tried to expa 11:13 AM 1 Share
#tips tricks Javascript Pop up with dim and darker background So today I was running into a small talk that I need to dim the background when the web page started. In a very simple and naive way you would think 11:57 AM Share